In October Tom is moving out west towards the city, and I'll be going back to living alone again. We moved in together last year when LP launched because of our need to meet and discuss the site on a daily basis. It's not really needed right now. There's not many more unknowns with LP. So I've slowly been gathering posters and prints cause there's going to be a lot of walls to cover in the new place. I've also got some cool ideas for displaying my colored Exit/Wreck-age LP collection...which currently stands at 1 LP short. Yuppicide - Shinebox on gold. I know, I'm an embarrassment. And of course there's the X Rated Maxi that'll look good. Then about 2 weeks ago I found a totally classy(heh) poster to add to the mix. Danzig - How The Gods Kill 92 Tour Poster.

Pretty sick right?! 34" x 22". Which if you don't realize, is rather large for a tour poster. They must of been selling these at the concerts, not using them to promote it. This thing is totally mint. AND there's a semi naked, sword wielding, she-thor chick on there. Can't get much more impressive than that.
Living with Tom has been great. We bounce ideas off each other non stop. Our place is super nice. Patio, garage, bathrooms galore. But I got too much shit to be jammed into one bedroom. Shirts are everywhere, records are everywhere, and architecture books, uggghhhh, hundreds of books on architecture. I need to spread out like asap. October is going to be real good for me. You know how much room 50 XL long sleeve shirts take up?! It's mind boggling. How do these shirt collectors do it? Records pffff easy. I got like 1000 records in one corner of my room. Then I got about 75 shirts in the other corner and they take up more room than the damn records. Makes no sense.
Side Note: If anyone is interested I have a few hard to find items I'm ready to deal. Trade or Money, either is cool. If it's money, just make me an offer through LP or email me using the address in the top right hand corner. Thanks
Test Presses as well as other cool stuff
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