My buddy and fellow vinyl blogger Marcus, has rebooted his label Endless Quest Records and just released the Hope Defeated demo on 7". Hope Defeated, if you didn't know already is Doug We WIll Bury You's band. I feel like I'm involved in a blogspot circle jerk right now, but it feels real good, so I'm just gonna roll with it. The first time I listened to Hope Defeated, I immediately thought of Biohazard, but not like straight outta brooklyn lyrics, more like a post-hardcore biohazard. I probably just insulted Doug pretty bad, but in my defense, to me sounding like Biohazard is money. RULE NUMBA ONE!

If you want to pick this baby up, head over to the Endless Quest Store. I think he might have a few of the red /50 versions left. If you want to hear what Hope Defeated sounds like, check out this post from Marcus. While you do that, I'm going to email him and let him know he can embed the player in the product description.
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